What is Clean Beauty?

At first glance the multi billion pound beauty industry appears to rely on individuals insecurities to hyper sell products with empty promises. But the reality if that many of us just want to nourish our over exposed skin with a little kindness and plenty of nutrients. However many of our favourite high street brand skin creams contain a dirty little secret... toxins!
Toxins come in many different forms and are difficult to avoid. We have even become immune to the various names for them including innocent sounding 'fragrance' and common place 'Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)'. But these toxins have been linked to harmful health effects and hormone disruption. And as adults it is worth noting that the absorption rate of what is applied to our skin can be up to 60%, and shockingly in children this figure is 40-50% higher.
Clean Beauty is the rise of a thoughtful, considered approach to skincare. These creams and products that fall into the category of 'Clean Beauty' contain no known toxins in the formulation, and are fully transparent within their ingredients list.
A brand such as Neal's Yard have embraced this approach into their production of their products, and adopted the motto ‘if in doubt, leave it out’. They have banned silicones, mineral oil, parabens, (a type of preservative) and GM ingredients among others. Fair Trade and cruelty-free credentials are also important. Other brands that embrace the idea of Clean beauty are Dr Haushka, Tisserand, Weleda and Lavera.
Whilst looking after our skin and taking care through he products we apply to it is of upmost importance, it is my belief that Clean Beauty is not only about skincare products. Health foods packed with skin-boosting ingredients should be an essential part of our diet. Avoiding refined, heavily processed foods and opting for more natural, plant-based ingredients will feed our skin and give it the nutrients it craves.
Happy Skin Rejuvenation Month Peeps!
1. Dr. Mercola